Loveless Laundry, Cannon Calamities, and More with Gini Dietrich
Join your host Danny Brown as he puts this week's 5 random questions to Gini Dietrich. Answers include a reason to love rats, choosing cannons over lions, and dancing queen moves. Let's jump in!
Answering the questions this week: Gini Dietrich
Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model© and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with Syracuse University. She has run and grown an agency for the past 15 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.
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Gini: It's a tough one. We live in the city and there are always dead rats in the alley.
Speaker:Gini: I might swap for that. That's how much I hate laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Are you the rat collector?
Speaker:Gini: I'm not the rat collector now, but I might actually become the rat collector
Speaker:Gini: if I didn't have to do laundry again.
Speaker:Danny: Hi, and welcome to 5 Random Questions, the show where every question is an adventure.
Speaker:Danny: I'm your host, Danny Brown, and each week I'll be asking my guests 5 questions
Speaker:Danny: created by a random question generator.
Speaker:Danny: The guest has no idea what the questions are, and neither do I,
Speaker:Danny: which means this could go either way.
Speaker:Danny: So sit back, relax, and let's dive into this week's episode.
Speaker:Danny: Today's guest is Gini Dietrich, the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks,
Speaker:Danny: host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of the Spin Sucks book.
Speaker:Danny: She's the creator of the PESO model and has crafted a certification for it in
Speaker:Danny: partnership with Syracuse University.
Speaker:Danny: Gini has run and grown an agency for the past 15 years and is a co-author of
Speaker:Danny: Marketing in the Round, as well as co-host of the Inside PR podcast and co-host
Speaker:Danny: of the Agency Leadership podcast.
Speaker:Danny: So Gini, welcome to Five Random Questions.
Speaker:Gini: I'm so excited for this. Yay. I'm a little scared too.
Speaker:Danny: We'll be good. We're very gentle here at Five Random Questions.
Speaker:Danny: And I don't know why I said we, I'm not the queen. I couldn't be the queen,
Speaker:Gini: She's dead. You could be.
Speaker:Danny: And going by that intro, obviously, you've got quite a lot of stuff going on.
Speaker:Danny: But you're also a mom. You're also married to someone who's heavily into politics.
Speaker:Danny: I can imagine that's pretty busy at the moment. What with school holidays for
Speaker:Danny: your daughter and the political scene for your husband.
Speaker:Gini: Let's just say that when Biden decided not
Speaker:Gini: to run again the world erupted as
Speaker:Gini: you know and his world like exploded um he runs a super pac and they raise
Speaker:Gini: money you know that's how they they grow and they had i think that first week
Speaker:Gini: they had probably their best week in history which has been almost 10 years
Speaker:Gini: so it's been a little crazy yeah.
Speaker:Danny: I can imagine. And just, I mean, I don't like to, I went to the wee again there
Speaker:Danny: for some reason. I don't like to talk politics on this show.
Speaker:Danny: But as an outsider, you know, I'm in Canada from the UK originally,
Speaker:Danny: and we've seen elections recently in the UK.
Speaker:Danny: We've got election coming up in Canada next year. But obviously,
Speaker:Danny: the US election impacts a lot of people because of the country that it is.
Speaker:Danny: And a lot of people are saying, as you mentioned, you know, there was a lot
Speaker:Danny: of questions around Biden and his capability of running against Trump in the election in November.
Speaker:Danny: But it seems rejuvenated with the Harris and Walsh ticket.
Speaker:Danny: advocate and a lot of people were saying from a democrat point of view anyway
Speaker:Danny: and which obviously which is where your husband is on right it seems a lot of
Speaker:Danny: like feeling around the 2008 election when obama was running are you seeing
Speaker:Danny: that as he's speaking about that at all or yeah
Speaker:Gini: I mean it's it's funny because i read an article that said if you've already
Speaker:Gini: decided who to vote for don't pay attention to all of the noise because it's
Speaker:Gini: stressful and it's chaos and i mean as we know Trump likes to have,
Speaker:Gini: he likes to create drama and create chaos.
Speaker:Gini: And it feels like you're, you wake up every day with on a cliffhanger and you're
Speaker:Gini: like, okay, what's, what's going to happen today?
Speaker:Gini: And so I've been joking with him that I'm not participating in politics until
Speaker:Gini: November, November 5th.
Speaker:Gini: Cause I'm like, ah, la, la, la, la, la, la. Every day he comes home and he's like, did you see?
Speaker:Gini: And I'm like, I'm not participating in politics.
Speaker:Gini: Yes, it does. It does feel like it's been rejuvenated. And I think the biggest
Speaker:Gini: thing that we've seen is the younger generation, you know, the 18 to probably
Speaker:Gini: 30 year olds who are voting, you know, the 18 year olds are voting for the first time.
Speaker:Gini: They did not want to vote for Biden. They didn't want to vote for Trump.
Speaker:Gini: So they weren't going to vote. And now I think they've been they've got we sort
Speaker:Gini: of they've sort of like, what do I want to call it, push that or helped raise
Speaker:Gini: that awareness around that among that younger generation to get them excited
Speaker:Gini: to vote, which is what we need.
Speaker:Danny: And speaking of younger generation obviously you've got your 11 year old daughter
Speaker:Danny: how school holidays been going because i know they can be i've got two kids
Speaker:Danny: 14 and 12 i know that can be quite a challenging time i
Speaker:Gini: Don't know what you're talking about and the funny thing is is that i'm sure
Speaker:Gini: it's the same in canada but here in the u.s nobody starts school at the same
Speaker:Gini: time and so some people are going back to school right now and we don't go back
Speaker:Gini: to school until september so there's most of the month of august there aren't any
Speaker:Gini: camps or anything so you have June and July are pretty well taken
Speaker:Gini: care of but August is like a free-for-all so she's spending some time on the
Speaker:Gini: lakefront biking and kayaking and swimming and she comes home exhausted and
Speaker:Gini: full of sand every day which is great I think she went to bed at 7 30 last night
Speaker:Gini: fantastic yeah so you're just kind of piece things together.
Speaker:Danny: I need to get some tips from you because I wish like Salem's really good um
Speaker:Danny: our daughter she's really good
Speaker:Danny: at being outside and you know you and us as well but she's really good at doing
Speaker:Danny: trampolining and you know got in a lake and such like um so yeah i might have
Speaker:Danny: to like hit you up for some tips there too because we've still got another yeah
Speaker:Danny: about a month still of um kids at home yeah
Speaker:Gini: It's a lot.
Speaker:Danny: Trying to keep them occupied uh yeah that's fun and
Speaker:Gini: Not on their screen.
Speaker:Danny: Speaking of keeping occupied it's time to keep you occupied with five random
Speaker:Danny: questions so i'm just going to bring up my random question generator so you
Speaker:Danny: can see that and we'll jump in. So we're ready for this, Jenny.
Speaker:Gini: All righty.
Speaker:Danny: Question number one. Do you dance crazy when no one is looking?
Speaker:Gini: Yes. And I also dance crazy when people are looking.
Speaker:Gini: So one of my favorite things to do, you know, I live in Chicago and my neighbor's
Speaker:Gini: house is literally six feet away,
Speaker:Gini: maybe five feet away like I can see in her her window right now and one of my
Speaker:Gini: favorite things to do is pick up the dog and dance with the dog past all the
Speaker:Gini: windows so that she can see me so yes I do dance crazy do you you have to answer that.
Speaker:Danny: I don't dance at all I have no coordination well
Speaker:Gini: Then you don't have to have coordination to dance crazy.
Speaker:Danny: Well that is true but um even when no one's looking even if I'm at home on my
Speaker:Danny: own and like my wife's got the kids at a sports event or something i i'm just
Speaker:Danny: a lazy person i don't like physical or a lot of physical energy you know so
Speaker:Danny: my physical energy is switching channels on the tv with a remote with a remote
Speaker:Danny: So what kind of music do you have? Do you have music on in the background or
Speaker:Danny: are you just doing it on your own some?
Speaker:Gini: The aforementioned 11-year-olds always has Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift,
Speaker:Gini: Joja Cat, that kind of stuff on. So it's, yeah, I've been Post Malone.
Speaker:Gini: I've been dancing to that because she has it playing and then I dance.
Speaker:Danny: Well, I was going to say, I mean, you mentioned obviously Taylor Swift and Olivia
Speaker:Danny: Rodrigo and Post Malone.
Speaker:Danny: And I mean, I love Taylor Swift. I haven't really listened to a lot of Olivia
Speaker:Danny: Rodrigo. I've listened to like two or three of her songs.
Speaker:Danny: And they don't, not always anyway, they don't like spring me as being songs
Speaker:Danny: to dance to often because they're not like a lot of them aren't super uptempo
Speaker:Danny: or maybe I've just listened to the wrong songs.
Speaker:Gini: She's a couple. I would generally agree with you.
Speaker:Gini: Yes. But also the dance crazy part is you can dance to almost anything,
Speaker:Gini: especially when you're holding the dog and you're like swinging back and forth
Speaker:Gini: with the dog. You can make it work.
Speaker:Danny: Well that is true that is true and if you had to pick just one song then to
Speaker:Danny: dance crazy to what would it be and why that one
Speaker:Gini: Dang um i don't know would.
Speaker:Danny: It be an up-tempo one
Speaker:Gini: Yeah it would be up-tempo it'd probably be actually you know what song i really
Speaker:Gini: really like is the ed sheeran what's the name of it where he it's the ode to
Speaker:Gini: his grandparents and it's very Scottish. What is it called?
Speaker:Danny: I'll look that up and I'll drop that in the show notes so you can check it out
Speaker:Danny: on whatever you listen on, whether it's Spotify, YouTube, whatever,
Speaker:Danny: but I'll check that out. So Ed Sheeran, huh? Interesting.
Speaker:Danny: I would have thought, because you were dancing with the dogs,
Speaker:Danny: I would have thought like the Venga Boys, you know, who let the dogs out and
Speaker:Danny: then open the window and just chuck the dog out.
Speaker:Gini: That's a good one too, yeah.
Speaker:Danny: Don't come back to me if you see a dog running down Chicago streets.
Speaker:Danny: Right. That was not my idea.
Speaker:Gini: She would not run down. She'd come right back. She doesn't like to be away from me.
Speaker:Danny: Awesome. So there you go. If you want to get Ginny dancing, it doesn't matter
Speaker:Danny: what kind of music it is, and it doesn't matter if you're watching or not, she's going to dance.
Speaker:Gini: Ha ha.
Speaker:Danny: Let's have a look at question number two. Okay, so this could go back a little
Speaker:Danny: bit in time because obviously you're a supremely happily married woman and have been for a while.
Speaker:Gini: You can still look at people.
Speaker:Danny: Oh, okay then. Question number two. When you meet someone you're attracted to,
Speaker:Danny: what do you first notice about them?
Speaker:Gini: Well, it depends on if you're watching the Olympic swimmers or not.
Speaker:Danny: Okay.
Speaker:Gini: If you are, it's their abs for sure.
Speaker:Danny: Or the Olympic pole vaulters.
Speaker:Gini: That's literally one of the funniest things I've ever seen, ever, ever.
Speaker:Gini: And the internet is made for stuff like that. You get, I mean,
Speaker:Gini: made for it. What is the first thing I notice?
Speaker:Gini: Honestly and truly, it's probably been way too long for me to even say,
Speaker:Gini: to answer this question.
Speaker:Danny: Do you think it'd be like a physical attribute?
Speaker:Gini: Yeah, it'd probably be like smiles, like the way that they engage smiling or
Speaker:Gini: looking at eye eye contact or something like that I would imagine so.
Speaker:Danny: Let's take us back then when you first met Kelly your good husband how did that
Speaker:Danny: go what was the the attraction let me rephrase that why are you attracted to
Speaker:Danny: Kelly sorry Kelly that's not what I mean what was the first thing you noticed about them
Speaker:Gini: Uh well I was drunk so it's
Speaker:Gini: a hard question to answer but we were in a dance club
Speaker:Gini: of all places going back to our first question and my
Speaker:Gini: friends were all dancing and I was just sort of standing there and
Speaker:Gini: I saw him just sort of standing there while his his friends were dancing and
Speaker:Gini: I looked at him and he looked at me and we were like let's do you want to do
Speaker:Gini: this and so we did so I don't I mean it was more of that and then it was you
Speaker:Gini: know after we started dating it was very much his personality and I remember
Speaker:Gini: we were at dinner one time and this has always stuck with me,
Speaker:Gini: Every time somebody came to the table, the server, the busboy,
Speaker:Gini: whoever it happened to be, somebody to fill the water, he always looked them
Speaker:Gini: in the eye and said, thank you.
Speaker:Gini: And I remember how impressed I was by that.
Speaker:Gini: And it's something that we instill in our little one, too, is like,
Speaker:Gini: always make eye contact, always say thank you, always treat people the same as you.
Speaker:Gini: But he just does that innately. And I was always really impressed with that.
Speaker:Danny: No, that's a great point. I feel you can always tell what someone's like when
Speaker:Danny: they do something like that. Or if they're out grocery shopping and they always
Speaker:Danny: take the cart back, whether someone's there to see if they take it back or not.
Speaker:Danny: Yep. Even like we used to see, our kids would ask, well, why did you take the cart back?
Speaker:Danny: Because, you know, nobody else was. And it was, like you say,
Speaker:Danny: it's just a lesson because it's nice to be nice to someone else whose job that
Speaker:Danny: is and who doesn't have to trek all around the car park to get someone, you know.
Speaker:Danny: So is that something that, because obviously you've been married a while now,
Speaker:Danny: so that's when you were first attracted to them.
Speaker:Danny: Is that something that still attracts you now?
Speaker:Danny: Or what's the secret, I guess, to keeping the attraction alive, if you like?
Speaker:Gini: Yeah, I'm definitely still attracted to that. He's also one of the kindest people on earth.
Speaker:Gini: I think if he weren't as kind as he is, we probably wouldn't still be married because I'm kind of not.
Speaker:Gini: I'm also really hot-headed. but he's just
Speaker:Gini: he knows how to and this probably
Speaker:Gini: is why he's in politics but he knows how to diffuse a
Speaker:Gini: situation really quickly and like make everybody feel good about the situation
Speaker:Gini: and I actually was thinking about this the other day because he's a really good
Speaker:Gini: people leader and one of the things that he does extraordinarily well is you
Speaker:Gini: know he's growing a business and as you know when you're of growing a business,
Speaker:Gini: there are people who come in at certain points of the business who are great for a couple of years,
Speaker:Gini: but then the business outgrows them and they're not, they, they don't grow as
Speaker:Gini: quickly as the business does.
Speaker:Gini: And he's phenomenal at making people,
Speaker:Gini: helping people realize that they're not going to continue to grow with the business
Speaker:Gini: and helping them exit the business without them realizing that almost that that's what's happening.
Speaker:Gini: Like he makes them, he makes them feel so good about it and he helps them find
Speaker:Gini: their next job and he you know he he is really supportive about it and it's
Speaker:Gini: it's really kind of cool to watch because I on the other hand I'm like you're
Speaker:Gini: fired get out and I don't care if I ever hear from you again.
Speaker:Danny: And do you find that um I know like um Jackson
Speaker:Danny: I laugh um there was one example where um Salem
Speaker:Danny: we're in the car and Salem had said there was
Speaker:Danny: a question we're asking some like this basically were
Speaker:Danny: just like Salem had a trivia book or something so
Speaker:Danny: she was asking questions on a car ride and one of the questions was who's the
Speaker:Danny: strictest parent and she immediately went to Jacqueline and that caused all
Speaker:Danny: sorts of chaos like she was Jacqueline was not impressed with that at all and
Speaker:Danny: I wonder do you think it's like these kind of vibes where I believe
Speaker:Gini: That though I believe that.
Speaker:Danny: Well I'm not gonna let Jacqueline listen to this episode she
Speaker:Danny: will be after you with pitchforks and in flames it's just
Speaker:Danny: funny how like you mentioned obviously you know you're trying to instill that
Speaker:Danny: kindness into your daughter um and maybe less of your hot-headedness but keep
Speaker:Danny: a healthy dose of that because that's always a good trait to have there are
Speaker:Danny: times when you need it so yeah it's interesting how kids pick up on different
Speaker:Danny: vibes etc and you know how the traits come across to kids but
Speaker:Gini: That it's funny you say that because kelly is definitely the strict one the
Speaker:Gini: disciplinarian I am not at all. He calls me a rock of jello.
Speaker:Gini: At work, I'm great. Home, nope.
Speaker:Danny: Not so much.
Speaker:Danny: So there you go. If you want to get into Jenny's good books,
Speaker:Danny: have good abs and be kind, which seems a realistic option to go for.
Speaker:Gini: It's realistic. You can do that. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker:Danny: All right. Let's move on to question number three.
Speaker:Danny: Okay. Question three, Jenny. What chore do you absolute hate doing?
Speaker:Gini: Laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Laundry.
Speaker:Gini: Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Have you always hated it or is that since becoming a mom?
Speaker:Gini: No, I've always hated it.
Speaker:Danny: Okay, because I would have thought being a mom, I mean, because we've got two
Speaker:Danny: kids, so we've got twice as much laundry for youngsters.
Speaker:Danny: And Ewan especially, he seems to grow laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Like his basket, we'll take the laundry upstairs, let's pull it from the dryer
Speaker:Danny: or off the line if it's like a nice summer day. We'll put it in his room.
Speaker:Danny: And within a day, it's full again. We're thinking, what the heck?
Speaker:Gini: What the heck?
Speaker:Danny: So I get you with the laundry. Now, so what is it about laundry that you hate?
Speaker:Danny: It's just a process, like after folding and whatever.
Speaker:Gini: I think it's because there's, there are so many steps. You have to wash it,
Speaker:Gini: then you have to dry it, then you have to fold it and then you have to put it away.
Speaker:Gini: And it never seems like it's finished. Like at least with other things you have
Speaker:Gini: at least a day before it's finished, before you feel like it's not finished, dishes, whatever.
Speaker:Gini: But with laundry, it's, there's always laundry. laundry and
Speaker:Gini: I have found that you know I have a preteen who
Speaker:Gini: will try something on and then throw it into her laundry basket and it's not
Speaker:Gini: dirty but I don't know that so I'm washing twice as many clothes just because
Speaker:Gini: she's too lazy to hang them back up like I hate it I'm waiting for a robot to
Speaker:Gini: I need artificial intelligence to do it for me.
Speaker:Danny: Well seeing that's the thing like everybody's talking about AI for creativity
Speaker:Danny: right so hey create the next masterpiece from an art point
Speaker:Danny: of view or create the next you know storybook audio video whatever
Speaker:Danny: one but where's the ai that makes our
Speaker:Danny: lives easier that does the laundry for us you know thank you
Speaker:Danny: that answers robocalls for us from thank you people collect them for super packs
Speaker:Danny: and all that kind of stuff right exactly so if if you could i mean do you swap
Speaker:Danny: chores at home with kelly can does he do the laundry or is no no so this is
Speaker:Danny: why obviously it's not up on your your list of favorites i
Speaker:Gini: Don't would love it no.
Speaker:Danny: So if there's a chore that you could swap it out with that
Speaker:Danny: you so let's say you're doing multiple chores because a working mom i'd imagine
Speaker:Danny: you do multiple chores and multiple stuff at home what chore would you happily
Speaker:Danny: swap out that you don't already like as well so you've got laundry but what
Speaker:Danny: other chore would you say okay if i had to take that all the time over never
Speaker:Danny: doing laundry again which would it be it's
Speaker:Gini: A tough one,
Speaker:Gini: We live in the city and there are always dead rats in the alley.
Speaker:Gini: I might swap for that. That's how much I hate laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Are you the rat collector?
Speaker:Gini: I'm not the rat collector now, but I might actually become the rat collector
Speaker:Gini: if I didn't have to do laundry again.
Speaker:Danny: Wow, that's how much you hate laundry.
Speaker:Gini: That's how much I hate laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Yeah, I'm not a squeamish. I don't mind animals and, you know,
Speaker:Danny: I was going to call it a bug, but it's not a bug. It's a rodent.
Speaker:Danny: that'd be a big bug but yeah i wouldn't like to be the rat collector i remember
Speaker:Danny: um a big rainstorm last year and we had like a wheelbarrow outside in the backyard
Speaker:Danny: and that filled with water and i went out the other like the day after the storm
Speaker:Danny: to empty it and it was two dead rats oh
Speaker:Gini: No they had drowned.
Speaker:Danny: They had drowned unfortunately uh now i
Speaker:Danny: didn't have to collect them i just tipped the wheelbarrow over and let them
Speaker:Danny: you know float away which was nice but uh yeah i couldn't be out in the streets
Speaker:Danny: doing that um and then a quick lesson i learned is always put a branch into
Speaker:Danny: your wheelbarrow in case an animal gets in there oh i
Speaker:Gini: Wouldn't know that either that's interesting because then they can climb on it and get out.
Speaker:Danny: Yeah exactly i didn't know that till last year and you know poor rats they didn't
Speaker:Danny: know either or they probably did and wondering where's the where's the branch dude where's my
Speaker:Gini: Branch what kind of asshole are you.
Speaker:Danny: So we're going to pass on the laundry and switch that over to rat collecting.
Speaker:Gini: Maybe.
Speaker:Danny: And I guess if the PR stuff, you know, stops working out for you,
Speaker:Danny: there's always like a fallback.
Speaker:Gini: Fair.
Speaker:Danny: Take your daughter out. You could be like a mother and daughter team.
Speaker:Danny: Dietrich destroys, something like that.
Speaker:Gini: I love it. I love it. I'll give you royalties on the name.
Speaker:Danny: All right, we're moving swiftly on from talking about rats, which may send some
Speaker:Danny: people off scampering away.
Speaker:Danny: Let's have a look at question number four. Oh, this is a great one.
Speaker:Danny: Question four, Jenny. You're in the circus.
Speaker:Danny: Would you rather be the person with their head inside the lion's mouth or get shot out of the cannon?
Speaker:Gini: Oh, get shot out of the cannon, for sure.
Speaker:Danny: So you don't worry about being shot super far and there being no net at the end?
Speaker:Gini: Well of course but i think the risk on that is less than a lion deciding he's
Speaker:Gini: mad and he chomps your head off what.
Speaker:Danny: If the line was like a super old line that just you had to prop his head open
Speaker:Danny: and the teeth were all prosthetic teeth or false teeth because all his natural
Speaker:Danny: teeth were falling out i just still
Speaker:Gini: I think he still would have enough jaw strength to top and take your head off
Speaker:Gini: i mean didn't that happen to uh shoot which what were the performers in in vegas oh in vegas
Speaker:Gini: sigfried and roy sigfried and sigfried and roy yeah that happened to one of
Speaker:Gini: them although i think it was a tiger did.
Speaker:Danny: He die because of that or was he attacked i can't go
Speaker:Gini: He was attacked he didn't die because of that but i think he did die a couple of years ago so.
Speaker:Danny: There you go i mean you know someone's been attacked by a lion he lived so
Speaker:Gini: But how many people do you know that That have been shot out of a cannon that have died.
Speaker:Danny: I don't know anybody that's been shot out of a cannon, to be honest.
Speaker:Gini: Okay, that's fair.
Speaker:Danny: That's not something, like, I know we've got weird stuff in Scotland where I'm
Speaker:Danny: originally from, but it's not a pastime.
Speaker:Danny: I remember getting into trouble once for a mutual friend of ours at the time
Speaker:Danny: for discussing some stuff that happened at circuses.
Speaker:Danny: So I try not to stay away from that topic.
Speaker:Danny: Have you ever, do you get circuses in Chicago? Like the other company town?
Speaker:Danny: Yeah, you take the family along?
Speaker:Gini: Long um I don't think I don't think Addie's ever been to one,
Speaker:Gini: I don't think she has.
Speaker:Danny: So that's something to look forward to then. You'll have to take her to the
Speaker:Danny: next one and say, okay, I'm going to prove to you why it's better to get shut
Speaker:Danny: out of this canon than put your head in that lion's head.
Speaker:Gini: So obviously it sounds like you'd rather have your head inside the lion's mouth.
Speaker:Danny: I think, maybe. Because I feel like if the lion was going to bite you and take
Speaker:Danny: your head off, that'd be quick.
Speaker:Danny: You probably wouldn't know about it. I'd assume. I've never seen it happen. I don't want to.
Speaker:Danny: see that happened right whereas i feel if
Speaker:Danny: you're in a cannon and there's so many things can go wrong so the cannon could
Speaker:Danny: backfire and explode so you're inside a cannon it explodes you get shot 100
Speaker:Danny: feet instead of 50 feet you're traveling at twice the velocity and there's no
Speaker:Danny: net so i feel from a speed point of view anyway um a lion chomping down on me as opposed to me
Speaker:Danny: mooshing along on the ground i don't know that i feel that'd
Speaker:Danny: be i know in an early episode of the the show um with
Speaker:Danny: fuzz martin it was episode one actually and we're speaking about like being
Speaker:Danny: in an airplane that's going through turbulence and falling to the ground or drowning
Speaker:Danny: in a you know being capsized in a boat and drowning what would be the preference
Speaker:Danny: really morbid question to finish the episode off and especially the first episode
Speaker:Danny: right but i feel it's the same kind of vibe it's like that speed thing right
Speaker:Danny: where one thing could be real quick another thing could be a bit slower do you
Speaker:Danny: go for the quick or the go slower yeah
Speaker:Gini: I think both of those would be terrifying that's a tough question too.
Speaker:Danny: And you travel i don't know if you still travel as much now but you used to
Speaker:Danny: travel a lot right yeah yeah so i'd imagine you must have had some interesting
Speaker:Danny: examples of turbulence in your time yeah
Speaker:Gini: I mean turbulence but nothing like you're going to crash to the ground.
Speaker:Danny: Okay so gentle turbulence then yes
Speaker:Danny: so just like a gentle line okay so
Speaker:Danny: we're gentle lion that is gentle lions look at the wizard of oz love it so we're
Speaker:Danny: definitely settling on preferred shot out of the cannon absolutely yes okay
Speaker:Danny: if that ever pops up make sure you've got your daughter filming it i do want
Speaker:Danny: to see that unless unless it's not got a good ending then obviously don't film it well i
Speaker:Gini: Mean it might be filmed and she just won't share it.
Speaker:Danny: Well there you go moving from that not generic horrific question whatsoever whatsoever.
Speaker:Danny: Let's have a look. We're doing well here. We've got to the end of the questions
Speaker:Danny: almost. Question number five.
Speaker:Danny: Okay, I feel, well, yeah, we can go for this because I know we can do both versions.
Speaker:Danny: So, Jenny, question number five.
Speaker:Danny: Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life?
Speaker:Gini: Tacos, tacos, tacos.
Speaker:Danny: And that would be the non-meat version, obviously, right?
Speaker:Gini: Yes, I would love tacos. I love tacos. I love them all.
Speaker:Danny: And is that because, like, well, obviously, I know why you like the non-meat
Speaker:Danny: version, but is that because you prefer like the tacos over sushi and fish or
Speaker:Danny: what's the the reason in there well
Speaker:Gini: I am vegetarian so there's that but also i don't
Speaker:Gini: know i'm i love tacos you can have hard shell tacos you can
Speaker:Gini: have soft shell tacos you can have without shell tacos you can have meat
Speaker:Gini: tacos you can have bean tacos you can have avocado tacos your others the the
Speaker:Gini: options are limited or unlimited so you can have all sorts of options you never
Speaker:Gini: get sick of it and i feel like you would gets tired of seaweed and sushi and
Speaker:Gini: rice and fish eventually.
Speaker:Danny: And i always feel i mean sushi i know well
Speaker:Danny: i don't know i've only tried it once but i've only really tried the rice and
Speaker:Danny: the seaweed because i don't i can't get my head around the idea of raw fish
Speaker:Danny: but i don't know if it's raw or not i don't know if it's cooked or not or some
Speaker:Danny: of it's raw yeah so and i mean i'm sure it's fine i mean i've not seen anybody
Speaker:Danny: die from sushi poisoning but um you never know and you're a
Speaker:Danny: good cook you'll love cooking you're always sharing you know whether it's a
Speaker:Danny: family you know family get-togethers you're always sharing your the meals you're
Speaker:Danny: preparing or if you're preparing dinner you know just for yourselves what would
Speaker:Danny: be your ultimate taco presentation if you're cooking a taco dinner for just
Speaker:Danny: you and your family and then a bunch of people if
Speaker:Gini: It's just the family we have a favorite we actually just had the other night
Speaker:Gini: um where i do beans and black beans and corn and wrap them up in homemade tortillas.
Speaker:Gini: Everybody loves that one.
Speaker:Gini: I'm actually having, we have a bunch of family in town next week, so I'm doing a taco bar.
Speaker:Gini: So I'll have chicken and pork, refried beans, cheese, my homemade tortillas,
Speaker:Gini: and then I'll do some hard shell tacos for the kids because they love that.
Speaker:Gini: Probably some hamburger meat for the kids.
Speaker:Gini: But I do a taco bar, so it just sits up on the counter and everybody can make their own tacos.
Speaker:Danny: Do you make your own sauce at home? I do. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker:Gini: Yeah.
Speaker:Danny: What's in the sauce? Do you like to share that or is that a secret?
Speaker:Gini: It depends. I really like to, for the chicken, I really like to do chicken thighs
Speaker:Gini: instead of breasts because it holds flavor better differently.
Speaker:Gini: And then I usually marinate it in lime juice, garlic, onion,
Speaker:Gini: some cilantro and some spices overnight.
Speaker:Gini: And then I just grill it, chop it up.
Speaker:Danny: That sounds delicious. And you say this is just for your family.
Speaker:Danny: There's no invites for certain Canadians.
Speaker:Gini: Oh, you can. Absolutely. Next Wednesday.
Speaker:Danny: Next one so there you go and by the time unfortunately this episode will come
Speaker:Danny: out after that but that's too bad
Speaker:Gini: You can be invited nobody else can.
Speaker:Danny: Dang i was going to put like the address in you know just google map and put
Speaker:Danny: the address in the show notes links there
Speaker:Danny: And what about the, what about your daughter? Is she like, we were talking in
Speaker:Danny: the green room earlier about her, you know, different preferences that she got.
Speaker:Danny: And is she like a taco person as well? Is she got a favorite meal that you prepare?
Speaker:Gini: Oh, her favorite meal is pasta. And it's funny because I'll say,
Speaker:Gini: well, let's go somewhere and have Italian.
Speaker:Gini: And she's like, but it's not as good as yours.
Speaker:Gini: And I'm like, oh, I'm so tired. I don't want to cook.
Speaker:Gini: she told me the other day that she doesn't want to do hot school lunch next
Speaker:Gini: year because she just wants me to make her lunch every day and i was like oh
Speaker:Gini: i remember when we were kids and all we wanted was hot school lunch but okay.
Speaker:Danny: Yeah i feel kids now not to say they're spoiled because i know there's a lot
Speaker:Danny: of kids that don't have that luxury of you know having meals being able to cook
Speaker:Danny: at home and then you know take lunches into school but i feel now there's so
Speaker:Danny: much choices for kids at schools um when we were growing up like i mean i'm
Speaker:Danny: much older than you i know we you know
Speaker:Danny: we do talk about our age and that but i'm much older than you and when i was
Speaker:Danny: a kid at school it was basically whatever the meat thing was that they had and
Speaker:Danny: then a lump of potato and that was it yes that was
Speaker:Gini: It yeah and on fridays they made the like canned pizza that was it.
Speaker:Danny: Yeah yeah whereas now we get a menu sent home prior to the school you're starting
Speaker:Danny: do you want to sign up for pizza do you want some for peter's do you want to
Speaker:Danny: sign them up for the food truck that comes out what What?
Speaker:Gini: Right. Salad bar, sandwich bar, soup bar. You're like, what is happening? Yeah.
Speaker:Danny: Exactly. And that's elementary. I mean, high school is even more,
Speaker:Danny: right? You've got a whole bunch of stuff at high school.
Speaker:Gini: Crazy.
Speaker:Danny: Okay. So I'm going to try and sneak my invite in to the old,
Speaker:Danny: I probably won't get over next week.
Speaker:Danny: I'm going to pretend I can get over next week and come over for that. I'll tell you what,
Speaker:Gini: I will make tacos for you anytime you visit.
Speaker:Danny: Oh, I'm going to hold you to that. I'm going to steal the recipe from you as
Speaker:Danny: well. Wow, that sounds delicious.
Speaker:Danny: I'd love to try that. But Ginny, we've reached the end of your five questions
Speaker:Danny: and I don't think they were too difficult.
Speaker:Danny: It wasn't too bad. I think it was okay.
Speaker:Danny: But as is the want on this show, to be fair on every guest, because we do,
Speaker:Danny: I do put, we, I've got to stop saying we.
Speaker:Danny: I do put you on the spot for the 30, 40 minutes, whatever of the episode.
Speaker:Danny: So to make it fair, it's time for your random question to ping over this way.
Speaker:Gini: I have 10 here. So I have to narrow it down to one.
Speaker:Gini: Okay, if you could have any superpower for just one day, but you had to use
Speaker:Gini: it for the most mundane tasks, what would it be and why?
Speaker:Danny: That's a good one. Um, yeah.
Speaker:Danny: superpower it's going to be a mundane task has
Speaker:Gini: To be a mundane task it could be laundry.
Speaker:Danny: Yeah you know what i'm not going to do laundry
Speaker:Danny: but i am going to do i'm going
Speaker:Danny: to have flashes the flash his superpower of speed yep love it and i'm going
Speaker:Danny: to do housework and clean because kids just dump everything everywhere uh-huh
Speaker:Danny: um at the moment um like if you're a regular listener you'll know that I've
Speaker:Danny: had some flooding issues in the basement.
Speaker:Danny: So the family's living in half a house. So it's hectic at the moment.
Speaker:Danny: And as much as we try to encourage the kids to clean up after them,
Speaker:Danny: they're kids. They don't clean up after them. Right. Or they forget.
Speaker:Danny: So yeah, I would have the flash, the speed, just to go around and do everything
Speaker:Danny: in, what would that be? 10 seconds probably? I love it.
Speaker:Danny: And then probably use that speed afterwards to mow the backyard and do yard
Speaker:Danny: work. So you've got a two for one there.
Speaker:Gini: I love it. It's kind of like Mary Poppins where you just go snap and everything gets done. Love it.
Speaker:Danny: But I wouldn't be dancing because, as I mentioned, I don't dance.
Speaker:Danny: But I could do my pencil trick where I could play the tune on my pencil.
Speaker:Gini: I'd forgotten you can do that.
Speaker:Danny: Yeah, that's just a blast from the past. I appeared on Jenny's blog once on a live Q&A or something.
Speaker:Danny: And there was a question popped up. So I can't remember how it popped up,
Speaker:Danny: but it was about, do you have any special tricks or something like that? I don't know.
Speaker:Danny: So I made a video of where I get a pencil or a pen.
Speaker:Danny: And if you give me a tune, as long as I know that tune, I can play that on my pen or pencil.
Speaker:Gini: That's amazing.
Speaker:Danny: And so, yeah, so that's what I'll do. I'll be wandering about super fast,
Speaker:Danny: doing the housework, doing yard work, playing a tune on my pencil,
Speaker:Danny: and it's all done within a minute or so.
Speaker:Gini: You please record all of that for us.
Speaker:Danny: I should do like a pencil version of the theme music for the show. Do that as a special.
Speaker:Gini: You totally should.
Speaker:Danny: Maybe for this episode, we'll see what I can hang up for that.
Speaker:Gini: You should, absolutely.
Speaker:Danny: So Ginny, it's been an absolute blast. I mean, we've known each other for years.
Speaker:Danny: We've met a few times, a good few times and spoken at events, etc.
Speaker:Danny: So it's always nice to catch up. And we still have to talk about getting that
Speaker:Danny: This Is Us podcast off the ground.
Speaker:Gini: Yes, yes, we should do that.
Speaker:Danny: But for anybody that wants to catch up with what you're doing
Speaker:Danny: now whether it's on the spin sucks blog the pr agency the
Speaker:Danny: various podcasts you're doing etc or maybe even reach
Speaker:Danny: out to you to see if they're in chicago for a nice invite to a
Speaker:Danny: dinner sometime where's the best place to
Speaker:Danny: catch up with you online and connect and everything's there your
Speaker:Danny: social handles everything's there yep excellent and obviously the link to the
Speaker:Danny: podcast but i'll be sure to leave the links to that in the show notes as usual
Speaker:Danny: so whatever app you're listening on be sure to check the links out and And I'll
Speaker:Danny: link straight over to Spin Sucks where you can check out all the cool stuff Ginny's doing.
Speaker:Danny: So Ginny, thanks for appearing on 5 Random Questions.
Speaker:Gini: Always good to hang out with you, my friend.
Speaker:Danny: Thanks for listening to 5 Random Questions. If you enjoyed this week's episode,
Speaker:Danny: be sure to follow for three on the app you're currently listening on or online
Speaker:Danny: at
Speaker:Danny: And if you feel like leaving a review, well, that would make me happier than
Speaker:Danny: all the times I beat Ginny in the Adage Power 150 ranking for marketing blogs
Speaker:Danny: and would happily remind her of that,
Speaker:Danny: which was quite a few times but seriously i thought
Speaker:Gini: I was gonna get away with the whole episode dang it.
Speaker:Danny: Come on i could not let you away with that one i can't believe it but seriously
Speaker:Danny: if you want to leave a review or recommend a show you can do that over at five
Speaker:Danny: random forward slash review until the next time keep asking those questions
Speaker:Music: Music